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  • Writer's pictureSouparnika Sivaram

Post Arrival Guide

Congratulations on arriving in Latvia as an international student from India! Now that you've settled in, it's time to take the next steps to make the most of your study abroad experience. Here is a post-arrival guide to help you navigate your new home and make a smooth transition:

  1. Register with the university: Make sure you complete all the necessary registration procedures and paperwork at the university, including enrollment and orientation.

  2. Open a bank account: Set up a local bank account to manage your finances while studying in Latvia.

  3. Get a SIM card: Purchase a local SIM card for your phone to stay connected with your family, friends, and university.

  4. Find accommodation: If you haven't already, find a permanent place to live. Consider options such as student housing, renting an apartment, or living with a host family.

  5. Learn about the local culture: Take some time to explore your new home, learn about the local culture, and get to know the locals.

  6. Get involved: Join clubs and organizations at the university or in the community to meet new people and make friends.

  7. Learn the language: Consider taking a Latvian language course or using language learning apps to improve your communication skills.

  8. Learn about the local transportation: Familiarize yourself with the local transportation system, including buses, trains, and trams.

  9. Learn about the emergency contact: Make sure you have important contact information, such as the contact number for your university, the local police, and the nearest embassy or consulate.

  10. Adjustment period: Keep in mind that it may take some time to adjust to your new home and culture, so be patient with yourself and give yourself time to settle in.

By following this post-arrival guide, you'll be well on your way to making a smooth transition to studying in Latvia. Remember to keep an open mind and make the most of your time in this beautiful country. Also, don't hesitate to reach out for help if you need it. Your university or an international student office may have a support system in place to help you during your stay in Latvia.

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