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  • Writer's pictureSouparnika Sivaram

Culture Shock in Latvia

As an international student from India studying in Latvia, you may experience some culture shocks when adjusting to life in a new country. Here are a few examples of culture shocks you may encounter:

  1. Weather: Latvia has a temperate climate with cold winters and mild summers, which may be very different from the climate in India. This can be a culture shock for some students who may not be used to the colder weather.

  2. Food: The cuisine in Latvia is different from that in India. You may find it challenging to find food that is familiar to you.

  3. Language: The official language in Latvia is Latvian, which may be difficult for international students to understand. However, most people in Latvia also speak English, so you may be able to communicate effectively.

  4. Social norms: Latvia has different social norms than India. For example, you may find that people in Latvia are more reserved, and may not be as expressive as people in India.

  5. Holidays: Latvia has different holidays than India, and you may find it difficult to celebrate your own holidays while you are away from home.

  6. Time management: Latvians tend to be punctual and stick to the schedule, which might be different from how things are done in India,

It's important to remember that culture shock is normal and most international students experience it at some point. It may take some time to adjust, but with an open mind and a willingness to learn, you will eventually get used to the new culture and make the most of your experience in Latvia.

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